

How to

Discover the joy of cooking with “Fix It Your Damn Self,” your all-in-one culinary app. Recreate any dish just by snapping a photo using “Fix It;” elevate your plating skills with “Rate the Plate; and create custom menus with “Menu Maker.” Plus, you can soon explore and share unique recipes with our vibrant community. Whether you’re planning a special dinner or trying to replicate a favorite meal, this app makes every culinary adventure more easy and exciting. Download now and transform your cooking experience!

Early Review:

Whoa, I gotta tell you about my experience with the “Fix It Your Damn Self” app! So, I was part of this beta test crew, and let me just say, it totally blew my mind. It was like some kind of kitchen wizardry, no kidding. Every single dish I took a pic of, the app just knew it right off the bat. And the recipes it gave me? Pure magic. They weren’t just spot on—they actually walked me through the whole cooking process step-by-step, making it a breeze. It’s like having a little chef in your pocket, ready to dish out secrets anytime you snap a pic of some yum food. Total game-changer!

John Wence

Fix It: Discover the joy of cooking with “Fix It.” Spot a mouth-watering dish at a restaurant, party, or anywhere else? Simply take a photo, and our app provides you with an extensive recipe to recreate it at home. This feature bridges the gap between dining out and cooking in, enabling you to replicate any dish you desire. And if you want anything changed in the recipe, just ask, and will be.

Rate the Plate” is a feature that allows you to take a photo of your beautifully plated dishes, highlighting the importance of the visual; remember, we eat with our eyes first. The app then evaluates the plating based on several criteria such as overall appearance, color harmony, balance, and composition, among others. After the assessment, it provides a score, personalized tips, and suggestions to enhance your plating skills. You can share your results, and in the future, we will even have leader boards. This feature aims to guide people in mastering the art of making their plates beautiful.

Menu Maker” is the ultimate tool for creating custom menus for any occasion, now with an exciting new feature. Alongside crafting menus for specific events like romantic dinners or baby showers, you can now take a photo of the ingredients you have on hand, and the app will whip up a personalized menu using those items. Input broad requests or let your pantry guide you—the app curates a selection of dishes that fit your needs. Add your culinary twists and seamlessly integrate them into a customized menu. Share your creations and explore the community for inspiration. Menu planning has never been this intuitive, creative, and responsive to your immediate culinary needs and preferences.