
Pork Bún Chả

Based on the image you provided, here’s a recipe for a delightful ground meat patty with a fresh side salad and rice:

Ground Meat Patty:


1 lb ground pork
1/4 cup finely chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 large egg
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
Salt and pepper, to taste
2 tbsp olive oil


In a large mixing bowl, combine the ground meat with the onion, garlic, cilantro, egg, and breadcrumbs. Season with salt and pepper.
Mix until all ingredients are well-incorporated.
Divide the mixture into 4 equal portions and shape each into a patty.
Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat.
Cook the patties for about 5 minutes on each side or until fully cooked. The internal temperature should reach 165°F (74°C) for poultry or 160°F (71°C) for beef.
Side Salad:


2 cups mixed greens (lettuce, spinach, or arugula)
1/2 cucumber, thinly sliced
1 medium carrot, julienned
A handful of cherry tomatoes, halved
Dressing of choice


Wash and dry the mixed greens thoroughly.
Combine the greens, cucumber slices, julienned carrot, and cherry tomatoes in a bowl.
Toss with your favorite dressing just before serving to keep the salad crisp.


1 cup white rice
2 cups water or broth
1/2 tsp salt


Rinse the rice under cold water until the water runs clear.
In a pot, bring the water or broth to a boil. Add the salt and rice.
Reduce the heat to low, cover, and simmer for 18-20 minutes, until the rice is tender and the liquid is absorbed.
Fluff the rice with a fork before serving.

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